As it was Chili's birthday, I thought it would be a treat for her to bring her to the dog park near 1 Utama Shopping Centre.
By the time we made our way there (yes we lost our way, or rather I lost my way) it was nearly 11am. The weather perfect as it was a cloudy day and wasn't too hot for us to run around the park and for me to "try" to train Chili.
The park was pretty empty as it was a weekday and there were no other dogs around the park. We were there for about 20 min when I noticed a man standing at one of the "pondoks". He was standing facing the wall and I though to myself, "Hmmmm.... must be one of those Pariahs that use the pondoks as their toilet as it was not the first time I've seen them Pariahs using those huts as their toilets at the park even though the public toilet was just a stone's throw away".
Chili started barking and barking at the guy. Weird, she hardly barks at all. In fact she has NEVER barked at people. She thinks EVERYONE is her friend and would like to cuddle and play with her.
I tried to distract her by producing her favorite toy, and to get her to chase it. Nope not working. What about her smelly fish fudge to get her to engage with me and continue with our training. Nope, still barking and wouldn't look my way.
Chili totally ignored me and wouldn't stop barking at the fella. Really weird! The only time we hear her bark is when there is thunder, where she will jump in fright at the sudden loud noise and run to the window and give a really loud and annoyed "YAP" at the thunder for giving her the sudden shock.
I made a side-glance out of the corner of my eye, still trying to distract Chili with her toy and EEEPPPPSSSSS, that Pariah was flashing!
I calmly ended our training session and walked as fast as I could to my car, which was thankfully nearby, and jumped into the car and locked the door as fast as I could and started the engine.
As I got into my car, that weirdo ran to my car! Panicking, I tried to leave as fast as I could and at the same time double checking that my car doors were locked! He was right beside my back door and I could see he was fiddling with his belt.
Arggg.... Move Car Move! Get out of here! I tried to get out of my parking space as fast as I could, but at the same time I was worried I might knock into him or run over his foot or something while reversing the car to get out, and at the same time, worried that he might try to break my window and try something funny! Arggg......
I managed to drive away safely with Chili by my side. Phew... I couldn't have gotten away fast enough! What a relief.
It wasn't that I was scared seeing Mr Wilson. Hey I work with special needs children & teenagers who's little Willy or Mr Wilson appear when their nappies need to be changed immediately because they pee or pooped in their pampers during their therapy session. What was scary is that thing has gone loose somewhere in this fella's head and I had no idea on what he might do.
Weirdo! Psycho! Bastard! TOOOOOOOTTTTT!!! (Sorry kids, just had to vent a bit but I've censored it)
On second thoughts, maybe I should have knocked him down with my car or the very least run over his foot and broken his foot or something. Claim Self-Defence MAHHHH.....
Never will I go back to that park on a weekday alone.
Both Chili and I were very kaputed after that and she was rewarded with a very yummy beef burger pattie for being such a clever girl.

What's a bully stick? Google it yourself:-p
Psycho's BE-WARNED mah dog eats bully sticks. Flash and yours will be eaten too!
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