Monday, May 13, 2013

The Dusun Part 1

Mommy, Daddy & I went to Dusun for a holiday. Mommy thought it would be great that they could go on a holiday and have me join the family holiday as well.

On that fateful day, mommy packed us all into the car and after a 1 hour drive this is what we arrived to.



je sui moi, da city gal enjoying

the sights

the smells

and the sounds

of kampung life.

Taking a stroll in the country side with mommy & daddy.

Cee and Haanim made the best-est aubergine pasta for mommy & daddy. They were so greedy they finished the whole big pot and didn't leave any for me nor did they take any photos to share. And yes they did not share any with me either :-(

1 comment:

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